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Home - Development Services
With concept development phase ready, a business plan is drafted to convey the business goals (both long-term and short-term), the business strategies that we’ll use to achieve them, the problems and competition that we’ll face and the ways to solve and overcome them, the people we’ll involve in the business, the organizational structure, the marketing and the positioning strategies, and the amount of funds we’ll require for the same.
Our real estate sales and marketing communications strategies drive measurable, qualified traffic to the project. We leverage the best tools, resources, and technology to maximize the return on investment. We understand the importance of positioning and branding real estate projects to connect with the target audience.
Our customized sales and marketing communications strategies and solutions are designed to help us exceed our goals and maximize our profits. As the most visible representatives of the community, the sales team is always ready to communicate value, maximize pricing and closing sales
The final stage of the development process, operation, is the first stage of the project’s life. While the pre-development and construction risks may be removed by this point, obtaining tenants is still at risk. To make things smoother Jenan’s subsidiary Omniyat is responsible for maintaining the property, performing necessary repairs, and for general upkeep so the asset will remain in good shape.